Zip Ties, Cable Ties, a Survival Must
Seasoned survivalists know that our gear does not have to be expensive. What we want in our gear is functionality. We want our gear to be effective. If you have spent some time out in the woods you know you can't do without duct tape. Duct tape is an essential and the cost is minimal. Another essential in my pack are zip ties also known as cable ties. They are primarily used by electricians. However, they make great fasteners. Mostly designed for one time use. Cable ties are a must. They are essential for survival, backpacking and Bug out bags.
Cable Ties
There are so many useful things you can do with a zip tie. They are lightweight, and cheap. A perfect item to throw in as part of your camping gear, into your survival kit, or even incorporate them into your everyday carry gear, these Zip Ties should be something that you don't leave home without.
Black ones are the best because they do not weaken when exposed to sunlight for long periods of time. Keep different sizes with you in your pack for different jobs. I keep the 1/16'" and 1/8" wide 10" to 12" long ties. They seem the most useful. They take a second to apply, almost impossible to break, or cut.
You can buy reusable cable ties but I have found the one use cable ties work the best.
Buy American made ties, stay away from china made ties. China made ties tend to snap.
When you are in a survival situation you never know when you’ll need to fasten something, strap something down or tie some up. Zip ties have a million uses. Almost anything that needs to be held together can be held by zip ties. Your imagination is the limit.
I have used ties to:
- Attach items to my pack
- Secure a light fixture overhead on a tree branch
- As emergency shoe laces
- Lost a button once and a cable tie worked as a replacement
- Drawn two belt loops together as a quick belt
- Lashed a knife to a pole for a spear
- Building survival shelters
- Used two cable ties to repair the shoulder buckle on my pack:

- Used ties to make a snare for catching prey
- Secured a tent in place
- Hold wooden poles together
- My zipper pull snapped off my jacket and I replaced it with a tie
- In my garden for tying tomatoes and cucumbers
- Cable ties allow for one-handed fastening due to their design, which for me having only one arm comes in handy
I have heard of people using ties for:
- Tying trousers down in tick country
- Handcuffs when needed
- As a tourniquet
- Wrapping together ropes and hoses
- Boaters using ties for depth markers
- Used to hold a splint in place
- Securing a heavy duty plastic crate to an ATV
There are many uses for these lightweight, but effective fasteners. The next time you are getting ready for the trail or putting your bug out bag together, remember your cable ties.
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